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  • Normandy - Jason and I traveled to Normandy, France a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed learning about the history of the area. Our first stop was actually to a German ...
    14 years ago


update on my craziness

Well, had a terrible upper respiratory infection that reeked havoc on my sinus's. It was like starting over grover! Did cultures and it grew out this craziness. So the ENT wants me to come in every other day to try to get a handle on why my sinus's won't ever get better. I must add in the middle of all this, my niece got married and what a wonderful wedding it was. Then we got home and found out that my brother had been in an accident in Tallahassee on his way back to MS to visit. He was in ICU in a trauma unit with bruised lungs and broken back. We got him out of the hospital and home to mom this week, and just grateful that he is alive.
Back to the allergy sinus mess. I went to the ENT Wednesday and he decided he wanted to look in my sinus's to see what was causing all the issues. Now this has been done before, mostly under general anesthesia, so to say I wasn't happy, was an understatement. The past few days had been more than stressful. Got my brother home to my mom the day before, and had kept Brayden, our little friend that we keep sometimes, so I had Brayden with me at the Dr. office not knowing that we were about to do a PROCEDURE! To top all this, it was St. Patrick's day and the Bishop was coming to our church for his annual visit, so to say David was in a tizzy was also an understatement. I had to call Christina, Braydens' mom, to come get him, and David to come get me, since I would be under drugs and unable to drive. It was getting more and more ridiculous. So, Christina and David get there, I take drugs, and they attempt to numb my nose. WRONG! IT hurts like hell!~, tears flow, i am so sick of all this and so sick of being sick. four months of this is too long and certainly not fair. I keep thinking things will turn and I will feel better. You can deal with a lot of things when you at least feel better. So the medication he put me on, Augmentin, didn't agree with my stomach to say the least. I stopped taking it once, cause the stomach pains were so bad. Then found that if I took Gas-X with it, then it helped some. Well until Friday. I worked til 3 and didn't think I would make it that long. I couldn't wait to get home. Hit the bed and didn't come out except to go to bathroom and brush teeth, until sat am at 10. This has truly got to end. It's ruling my life.
David and I had planned to go out last night to hear a friend play his horn in sweet restaurant. I made myself go, but I can honestly say, the whole time I was there, all I wanted to do was come home and get back in the bed. On the bright side, I have lost 11 lbs. just not sure this is the way to lose it. UGH! If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to send them my way. Am thinking about going to Atlanta next week to get out of here and visit my nieces. Just have to muster up the energy to actually do it.
Until next time, later, jen


another day in the life of the Knights

 Well, the last few days have for the most part, been uneventful. At least by our standards. I will say that after David decided to drive into the ditch the car has sure been acting funny. He drove up to the tennis courts to watch me play last nite and as he turns his car off the horn starts honking and the lights blinking. He can't get it to shut off and as you all know people playing tennis hate noise. Well, the person I was playing was not so happy that's for sure. Do you think I was going to tell her it was my husband making all that noise. HECK NO! So he had to start the car several times, get in and out of it even more, and finally it stopped. Then out walks David over to my court and sits down. Well the cat is out of the bag. She now knows it was my husband causing all the commotion.
Well I crash for a few games, then end up winning in a third set tiebreaker. I was so cold I couldn't even find my fingers, muchless feel them.
so after working all nite, sleeping a little, ballroom dancing lessons, then tennis, I had to come home and pack to go to H'burg today for my moms Dr. apt and Cari, my niece's wedding rehearsal and church decorations.  David had to be in Jackson so off we went again in different directions.
We did get some preliminary results back on Mackenzie's biopsy. I will tell more as I find out enough to explain, but suffice it to say they are now sending the specimens off to a specialist. Oh my, lets pray it's something simple and fixable. 

So here I am after midnight and can't sleep cause my body is all screwed up and my brain working in overload. I am sure I will have a few wedding stories after tomorrow, so stay tuned.


in the beginning

Ok, so facebook has been a great avenue to send news of the Knights goings on. But, there is no way in a small status to let you know the craziness that the Knight's life is. I thought this would be a good way to make people laugh and keep up with the goings on of our life. It has to be entertaining to read because it's certainly not dull to live. Some blogs will be funny, some serious, some just plain boring. When it's boring I relish those days. I hope you find it interesting to read and to even respond to when you feel like it. also please feel free to ask for further explanation. If it's too personal I will defer to answer, if it's something I can answer, hey, I will.
Any suggestions are encouraged, as this is a new experience for me. Thanks and enjoy!